Pain Management

Pain is an alerting system to assure that we pay attention to something.

But what if that pain is debilitating, causing an inability to function?

You’ve tried everything at this point. Medications just take you out of it. Exercise hurts or is hard to even do. Physical therapy worked some but not enough to get relief.

Whatever the cause, you’re at your wits’ end and need ANY relief now.

Pain is your body’s way of saying, “Look here!” You’ve looked – you are well-aware of the pain. It’s just a complete nuisance. It is affecting all aspects of your life, including your ability to focus on anything else except the pain.

What should you do? Where do you go? Who do you see?

What makes it worse?

Do you ever get irritated, angry, or mad, causing the pain to get worse? Pain and physiological discomfort become enhanced with your emotions. You are nervous about something and feel sick to your stomach. That sickness is your nerves saying, “Whoa, I’m NOT okay with this.”

At that moment, when we are distracted or doing something to take our focus off pain, it has limited ability and ceases to have such importance in our life.

It is all about perception.

Communication in your brain is the result of signals from chemicals or charged particles being transmitted from receptors to other receptors in the body. It is the interpretation of the meaning of those signaling factors that helps the brain identify “pain” or “hurting.”

Pain is subjective in that we all experience it differently. We have different thresholds and different reactions to pain. Some have low thresholds to pain, and others have high thresholds. What creates the difference in response to pain?

Refocusing, reframing, and relaxation!

Tension or stress causes tightness and constriction of muscles, joints, and other areas of your body. Relaxation is proven to offer relief.

I will show you the tools and direction to help you find relief.

Through intuitive guidance, you will learn to reprogram your subconscious mind to restructure the way you view pain. Using techniques of refocusing, reframing and relaxation, you will learn how to focus on what matters most in your life prior to having pain.

All you need to do is take one step forward.

Call (954) 466-2515 today to take that step.

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