General Questions:

How long is a typical session?

Due to the nature of the field, sessions are two hours. You will be quite surprised after your session as to how fast the time goes based on how much work we accomplish and how relaxed you are.

What do I do to get started?

Contact me by calling for an initial, no-obligation 20-minute consultation. We’ll do this to assure that we’re a good fit. This is my field of passion, and I work only with those I know I can truly help.

During our call, I will clarify any misconceptions or additional questions you may have and guide you through the entire process.

Can I just do one session?

Yes, if you choose to.

However, I will encourage that after the first session if you feel comfortable and aligned with the approach that you do additional sessions. Depending on what it is you want to achieve. If lasting change and overall wellbeing is that then additional sessions assure you achieve that.

The mind is like training the body. If you only go to the gym once you will not get any results really except the benefit that would be considered in working out just once – like simply a moment of stress release or to get a particular answer or something very limited from it.

It is my mission to help create real long-lasting change. One-hit wonders simply do not last for inner change that truly transforms your entire life.

How many sessions would I need?

Everyone is different. After the first engagement I can typically give you a better understanding of what is typical for most in your situation however it does vary. For majority I can say that 5 sessions is ideal to see a good amount of improvement in your life but again…this is an average, some have made very quick change and some may find things that are more deeper in nature and need a bit more – but it depends on YOU as the individual which is very unique with unique experiences.

Because this being of the trend (5 sessions) I have created a “6 wk program” to align with this to add more content and more resources for someone to make the change – but in the end it still depends on you and how much work you too put in outside of the one on one or direct contact we would have.

ANY work on your self and self discovery it is a life long process and even though maybe coming in for a hand full of sessions could indeed help a lot, the work is an ever evolving process, like peeling back at the layers within who you are and the life we live. And trust me when i say IT ALWAYS can get better…no matter WHERE you are and WHAT you are doing in your life. We can always make improvements and become more fulfilled in the life we live.



Will it work? Is there some guarantee?

I offer a guarantee in the quality of service provided – if you are truly dissatisfied with my ability to offer quality care, I will refund your money.

I do not offer a guarantee in your ability to reach your goals, as that is something only you can truly do, by being open and willing to trust the process and my skill to guide you. However, if you do those things, I can assure you a high rate of success.

I guarantee that I will offer you the best of my ability, guidance and quality of service. I guarantee I will clarify, communicate openly, and be honest in my mission of helping you.

I’ve trained extensively – not just in school but on my own wellness – to assure that I’ve cleared my own blockages and opened my heart to assure I am fully capable to be able to offer the utmost quality of care to get you to your goals.

How do I pay?

Major credit cards, cash or check.

Do you accept insurance?

I do not work with insurance companies.

Can I cancel or reschedule an appointment?

Yes, and I know things happen in life that require us to do so at times. So when this does happen we just ask that you be mindful and considerate and advise us as soon as you know you need to do so. 

There are at times clients that would need an earlier appointment but the limited spots prevent this so when a cancelations or rescheduling occurs we require 24hr notice to appropriately re-fill the spot. 

Do you have a cancellation policy?

Due to the loss of time and turnaround time to refill the 2-hour slot, as well as the commitment I put in to assure I prepared for you – an ideal and customary cancellation time frame would be 24-48 hours.

What is a free initial phone consultation?

This is a call to assure we both are not wasting our time. I want to assure I can help you and that you are a good fit for me to truly make real change.

There is no commitment on the initial call; we simply get to know one another, and, if we match, we move forward with scheduling.

I will take only clients who voluntarily and electively come to me without any coercion from another person. I want to assure this is what you, and no one else, would want – as change comes only from within the desire of wanting it.

Working with me:

Who is your perfect client?

Someone who wants to make change and is open to the process of healing. Someone who comes on his or her own and without any coercion or force from another person.

Is our work confidential?

Absolutely, as a medical professional, I assure all confidentiality and HIPAA compliance. Anything you tell or say during our sessions is held in confidence unless you are at direct risk of harm to yourself or another.

Do you work with men? Women? Couples? Adolescents?

I work with either gender and focus heavily on young adults over the age of 17; however, I will see children if it is a fit.

I do not work with couples at the same time. i will however work with them separately and assure all confidential during this process. Typically the issue at hand within a relationship could be different for each person so i have found that THIS way is what allows me to create the greatest change for each person. 

After the couple have worked with me separately I will work with them together after some individualized work has been commenced and however we all see fit for a common goal in mind. 

Do you work with people from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, and religions?

Absolutely, any and all. I myself have been raised in a very diverse and multicultural home. I will assure that your beliefs and unique identity will play an important role in your healing process.

Do you offer video or remote sessions?

Yes, this is an option and can be done through video chat quite successfully. The most important part of hypnotherapy for it to have the greatest success is your comfort and willingness to be open to it, finding the therapist that best fits best with your comfort level is highly important. 

I offer Virtual-hypno sessions and have a platform that I use, all that is needed is a good internet connection and a video camera through or connected to you computer. I would send you a link and no downloads needed, it is simple no matter the technical skill. 

What can I expect in the first session?

I’ll get to know you and understand your issue very well using my training and intuitions.

I’ll guide you through the process and clear any misconceptions you may have regarding hypnotherapy.

I will explain and clarify everything we will do and what I feel will work best for your specific issue.

Then, I’ll put you into hypnosis and learn how to best work with you to assure fast healing. You will fully remember everything in the session and typically feel better after the session than you did when you walked in.

What is therapy like with you?

It is comfortable, personable and open; this is my field of passion, and I can guarantee it will show in my interactions with you.

Not to mention the office space has all my small touches to assure it is personable, peaceful, and that you will feel relaxed in the environment.

I am not a typical therapist, and my style is unique in that I have had a very non-traditional path in my own life, have healed from my own traumas (which I am very open about), and hope to lead by example to serve as an inspiration for others.

Because of my own inner work, you’ll be free to express openly without feeling any judgment or fear while I view your goals and desires with a very clear and conscientious way.

Therapy with me is educational, as I bring in my experience as a medical doctor and educator to assure thorough comprehension of what we do and why it will help on a biological or scientific level in a clear way.

Does anyone cry in front of you?


I encourage any expressions of emotions. I am here to help you heal. It is very important that you develop, with my guidance, a “felt sense” or understanding of your emotions and why you have them and where they have come from.

To do this work, you do not suppress these emotions. You need to release and feel them. I have cried myself countless times in my own transformation, and it is within those emotional expressions that I became free from my own pain and suffering.

You can, too!

Do I have to tell you everything?

No, you do not! You do NOT “HAVE” to tell me any details of any events or memories unless you want to.

I can not make you forget anything but i can help change the way you view it and in order to do so i do need to know what is triggering for you, but you don’t need to tell me unless you are ready and want to share.

I’m skilled enough to intuitively and objectively guide you to heal within simply by bringing forth how your concerns make you feel too, so sometimes the details do not matter but the emotions more so do.

So if you want the most of our time together I do simply need your true and authentic-ness to express yourself, the symptoms, the goal of your issues (how you want to feel or do), and I will guide you through the rest without needing to know the details.

Details truly do not matter as much as how the situation makes you feel. I help you process this within yourself.

Hypnotherapy allows you to have full autonomy or choice in whatever you want to say or do. You are FULLY aware; you are just in an altered state that actually gives you an extremely focused awareness.

I will help with re-focusing that attention where it needs to be to facilitate healing and change to reach your goal.

I’m not a mind reader, but I have acquired the skills to teach you to help yourself without knowing “everything.”

Do you take notes or document our session?

I take very few notes, and rarely do I save them. If something is saved, it is fully HIPAA-compliant and secure and does not have any major identifiers. 

My notes simply consist of more so reminders or some phrases and things you say that help me understand or remember how you view the situation or what we have already processed.

In addition, because I do not work with insurance companies, there is no need for such detailed documentation. Please do keep this in mind if you ever needed to request your documentation as I would only share with permission that which i am capable to do so.

Having been in the healthcare field since 2007, I know that the reason doctors and clinicians document so much is not for you but for the insurance company and to show the medical need or necessity of care to justify payment from them. It is so that if insurance asks for records to prove the payment, they will have that proof.

This is one of the reasons I also do not work with insurance providers; they take away from the time I can utilize to focus on true healing work and may as well require certain restrictions that limit the time i could spend with you.

Do I need to wear special clothing?

No; wear whatever you feel comfortable in. You will be sitting and lounging in a recliner. I have a blanket and pillows for further comfort while in an altered relaxation state or when we go into hypnosis.

About Hypnotherapy:

What is Hypnotherapy?

Being in Hypnosis is basically an altered state. You are fully aware, and throughout the session, you are actually in a more heightened awareness.

Through guidance, I will redirect your focus and attention to allow the critical mind to step aside in order to communicate openly and effectively with your subconscious mind, which is where core beliefs are stored.

Will I be controlled by you?

No. I’ll be giving you suggestions, but it is fully up to you to decide to take the suggestions. The only type of hypnosis is self-hypnosis. I simply help guide you to engage. I cannot control you – only you can be fully in control of your actions.

Will you make me do something I don’t want to do?

No, I cannot. You are fully aware and can take my suggestions, or you can easily reject them if you choose. If you do not want to do something, you have full awareness to make the decision not to share or do.

What is the subconscious mind?

The subconscious is essentially your emotional body, which is VERY strongly associated with your actions, feelings, and beliefs.

I like to interchange it with your “felt sense” which is your body’s feelings, or the emotions going within you, and listening to your body is a way to connect with the subconscious.

For example, anxiety and chest pain tell us we don’t like something – we fear something, whether it be fear of performance or fear of something not going the way we would want. That feeling anxiety gives you, maybe chest pain or tension throughout your body, is the “felt sense.”

Sometimes, your conscious mind does not know why you do certain things or behave certain ways; but through hypnosis, we essentially can communicate with this side of the mind to understand the reasoning on a conscious level.

Your subconscious mind is highly intuitive and intelligent in that it takes in a great deal of data from your life experiences. It is this data from the past that lead to memories and beliefs that create the reality and life you are currently living.

You hold these memories, experiences and beliefs in your subconscious mind. No matter how much you consciously try to understand it, this conscious side and the critical mind (or that “chattering voice”) interferes with knowing truly what the subconscious desires.

The separateness of the mind demonstrates the dual nature of your mind.

How do the two work together?

The problem is they work together, but communication is not clear. Your conscious mind analyzes and logically tries to make sense of the way you feel, but you’ve learned most of your life to suppress the way you feel.

You’ve probably been told as a child, “It’s okay” when it is not. “Stop crying,” “Get over it,” “Only babies cry,” “Don’t be angry; it’s okay,” or more. Suppressing these things that you’re taught not to “FEEL” creates a disconnect in understanding or recognition of them and why they are there.

You may become detached from your emotional body. Ultimately, the only way to connect and to be relieved is to allow the energy of the emotions to be worked through, processed, felt and dissolved (see explanation about emotions).

What are emotions?

Emotions are energy. Emotions create behavior. You may try to release this energy by doing things like playing sports, exercising, meditating, picking up hobbies, drowning yourself in your work to distract or etc.

Biologically, we’re created from particles called atoms. These atoms make up every cell in your body. Within these cells are charges or “energy”; energy can be created and flow from thoughts. Thoughts create physiological response. One example is thinking of a sour juicy lemon.

If you think right now of a juicy sour lemon… think of it right now. Seriously, close your eyes and imagine a sour juicy lemon that you are about to eat and lift to your mouth. Now, you may notice salivation in your mouth.

Or if thinking of a scary event or scenario, your hands may sweat or your face turn red in embarrassment if you think you’ve made a mistake.

Dreams are another form of thought or images in your mind that could awaken you from your sleep; the awakening is a physiological response.

Who benefits from hypnotherapy?

We all have issues… I still to this day have “issues” myself. Yet however small they may seem to others, in the end, the feeling is the same, and it IS what makes us human!

With that in mind, EVERYONE and ANYONE can benefit from hypnotherapy if they have any dilemma or want some clarity in any aspect of their lives. You have to want it first, though.

Questions About Me:

What do you enjoy about being a hypnotherapist?

Connection! And seeing real change! My greatest, most immense joy comes from you reaching your goals.

Have you been in therapy yourself?

Yes, I have done both! Traditional therapy and hypnotherapy. I am forever grateful for having the opportunity to be a client, to get first-hand experience in the transformation you are about to take.

I worked through all of my own blockages and emotional instability, my own past traumas. I felt undeniably propelled to learn hypnotherapy to help others, as it truly was my personal golden ticket to freedom from within.

What is your educational background?

I completed my hypnotherapy training through a state-licensed school. Unfortunately, hypnotherapy is not yet well regulated, and some hypnotherapists out there have not been properly trained, having completed only a quick weekend program.

I, however, have done over 600 clinical hours of training with a fully state-licensed institute, the Florida Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy, through which I am certified to be a clinical hypnotherapist.

Additionally, I completed a bachelor’s degree in Biology (pre-medicine) with a minor in psychology, a study which led to my pursuit of medical school.

During that time, I completed clinical rotations throughout South Florida and immediately obtained an executive position for a large network of behavioral health facilities which treat mental health and substance-related issues.

Working directly in the traditional model of medicine quickly highlighted the limited capacity to actually heal. In fact, I noticed more and more medications being used and more and more diagnoses being created to keep giving more and more pills.

Although I am not against medication management, however feel it should be used in adjunct to therapeutic measures.

What is the best way to get in touch with you?

You can reach me by email or by phone at the following:

(954) 440-6797

Do you prescribe medications?

No, I do not, as I do not practice traditional medicine; however, I can refer you to someone who would appropriately work alongside with me in your healing and medication management to reach your goals.

I have a vast knowledge of medical management and also know pharmacology through my own experience and studies.

Are you licensed?

I am a state licensed hypnotherapist. I have completed over 600 hours of clinical training and hold a qualified state accreditation.

Do you practice traditional medicine?

Although I have successfully completed medical school and passed all United States medical licensing exams (known as the USMLEs) in order to be qualified for licensure as a medical doctor, I do not practice traditional medicine. I have chosen to practice only hypnotherapy.

My core beliefs and models align synonymously with the field of hypnotherapy. However, I work very closely with multiple specialists and board-certified physicians (in various fields), so if you need someone in the traditional model, I can surely offer referrals or guidance.

Am I allowed to ask you personal questions?

Sure! You can ask anything that comes to mind. It came to your mind for a reason; no matter what the question is, I encourage you ask, even if it is about me. I am an open book and only hope that my own life experiences will encourage or serve as an example that you, too, can overcome anything!

What apps make your life better?

Insight timer is my utmost favorite meditation app. I use it every day. I love the music, and the guided meditations have truly enhanced my growth from the beginning of my transformational process.

What has helped you heal?

For me, it’s been hypnotherapy #1, – meditation and openness to face what most do not want to ever face and many never do.

Cats or Dogs?

I love ALL animals. I have a wonderful rescue pup. She was adopted after being abused and lost a paw/toes. So, she wears a prosthetic, and I praise the beautiful effort the company made. It has done wonders to help animals’ lives be even more active and full.

I also have a rescue cat that I found. I will pretty much take anything in. However, my dog is my loyal and faithful companion.

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