Hypnotherapy for Relationships

What is it that makes human connection so difficult?

We fight, become distant, break up, ignore, get angry or feel utterly alone.

It’s exhausting to constantly try to be understood and heard properly or even to understand others. It’s as though we speak completely different languages sometimes, and what comes out is interpreted for what you meant.

If only, if JUST only for a few moments they can walk in my shoes, live in my life. For just a few moments. then MAYBE they will get it!

We are all COMPLETELY different human beings with different human experiences and different ways of thinking. Even twins who are genetically identical have different personalities and ways of reacting to situations and people.

It’s not what you say that matters, but HOW you say it. Our emotions come out in our communication subconsciously. Sometimes our emotions may hijack us, causing impulsive reactions and responding in anger or fear… to say or do things we regret. It’s out of our conscious control sometimes!

There are millions of books on relationships… trust me – I know!

Self-help and relationship books are a HUGE market, so many resources available, so much advice out there. But WHAT and WHOSE expertise do we follow? How do we know what is best to do?

I am going to quickly fill you in on a secret… YOU know best what to do… However, that clarity may be hijacked by your conscious confusion or mind chatter, creating doubt in yourself to trust what feels right.

The majority of self-help books explains the whys and the whats, but not the “HOW” in “How do I do it?” “How do I deal with this anxious feeling, fear of rejections or closing off?”

It’s hard when your emotions have hijacked the ability to do so.

“What’s the How?”

How do we keep long, lasting love and feel fully connected in our relationships?

Being accepted for who you are.

It is within our relationships that we either lose ourselves or find ourselves.

We suppress, we hide, or we change who we are, striving for the same thing in the end – a loving and accepting relationship.

I have that secret!

But I’m warning you, when I tell you, you’re going to be bewildered. I know I was.

I thought, “Sure, of course that’s the secret. But, how do I ACTUALLY DO THAT!?”

Words cannot express that which is experienced – the confidence in knowing that you are getting closer to the truth!

The secret is YOU.

It is simply loving, fully and completely, who you are, to fully and completely love another.

That’s it, “love yourself.”

I know, how cliché, right? But, it’s undeniably true in every possible way I can explain it.

And I will show you how.

Feeling it inside, instead of just saying it.

It’s not until you start this journey of healing that you will know this experience from the inside. Reading this and doing something about it are two very different things.

You can read it over and over, but change will only occur when you experience it.

I can show you how to get the relationship you’ve always wanted.

It starts right here, NOW, by doing something different and calling me.

Call (954) 466-2515 today to schedule your initial consultation.

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